Ransomware is Still a Major Threat for All Businesses and Individuals Alike
You don’t need us to tell you that ransomware is a problem (or maybe you do–we mean, it’s a huge problem). It’s dangerous to both businesses and individuals, and it has become such a common threat that all organizations need to have a plan in place to address it with their staff.
Mobile Device Management is Critical for Today’s Business
Mobility has become a major contributor to many businesses’ productivity plans. As a result, Mobile Device Management (MDM) has become an essential tool for organizations to manage and secure mobile devices within their networks.
Are Your Recovery Expectations Lined Up with Your Capabilities?
Your business’ backup and disaster recovery preparations are a critical part of your continued success as an organization, specifically, how they are measured by two key metrics: your recovery time objective (RTO) and your recovery point objective (RPO).
Biometric Checkout is Coming (But Don’t Hold Your Breath Just Yet)
Love them or hate them, self-service checkout registers in brick-and-mortar stores are here to stay… especially considering that research has demonstrated that Gen Z has about twice the level of buy-in to the automated point-of-sale terminals as Gen X does, and that self-checkout is the predominant form of payment today.
Tip of the Week: 3 Neat Features of PowerPoint 365
You know that a software has made its mark when its name becomes synonymous with the type of software it is. For instance: PowerPoint. This element of Microsoft 365 is well-known enough to often be used as a catch-all phrase for any presentation software.
One of Google’s Many Projects Gives Us a Look at Practical AI Usage
While artificial intelligence is frequently hyped up to the point that it seems to be plucked from the realm of science fiction, its true applications are actually much more mundane.
Don’t Take Any Chances: Get a VPN Today
With data security being a hot commodity with hackers, it’s no surprise that businesses want to do everything they can to protect their assets. One method for doing so is implementing a Virtual Private Network, or VPN.